It’s been almost a week and we’re at almost a third. That’s not terrible! I’m not mad about it.
Why should you join my Kickstarter? Well, blah blah support independent original work, boilerplate boilerplate.
On a more personal level, though, when I set out to create this comic I wanted to do something that I wasn’t seeing anyone else do. I consider myself a male feminist (I’m absolutely sure on the first half of that and willing to debate the second) and I’d never seen anyone lean into that when creating comics.
There are plenty of comics that are just dudes. (Or mostly dudes, with a smattering of love interests.) Plenty of comics that are exploitative swimsuited jiggle books.
And a number of comics that are for and about women, made by women. (Which I am an absolute fan of. More of those please.) But never one, as far as I know, made by a man. I’ve never seen a guy load up his comic with all-female characters, change nothing else about it, and run with that, just for the hell of it.
So I did.
The law I set myself was that every character would be a woman, unless there were some compelling story reason they not be. (Or they’re lifted from the larger Twogargs universe.) Heroes. Villains. Extras. Everyone. It’s not post-apocalyptic, the men didn’t die; they’re just not centred.
The Patriarch is male, for obvious reasons, it’s right in his name. Peter Moore is benevolent sexism personified; he’s not a bad person but he pointedly doesn’t understand agency or how to listen. Azrael’s nameless husband is immediately fridged to motivate her.
(I have, however, bent the rule to include two upcoming characters who are nonbinary.)
Does this sound like something I ought to be doing? I’m not entirely certain. It’s certainly something I want to be doing. If you agree that I should, I’d appreciate you joining my Kickstarter about it! Here’s a button to entice you.